The 5 Absolute Best Ways To Market Your Coaching Business

Marketing your coaching business may seem overwhelming to many business coaches. That’s the reason coaches often suffer from shiny object syndrome and jump from one marketing strategy or tactic to another if they don’t get immediate results, instead of looking at what’s not working and why. Having some guidance helps the coaching businesses to make sound decisions about where and how to focus their precious time and energy.

The proven strategies outlined here will help prevent you from falling into that trap, and best of all, they are simple and effective.

Speak As Often As You Can 

Give lots of value with a speaking engagement. Start by looking for interview-format podcasts that your target market is likely to listen to. Google is your friend for this. Pitch the host to be a guest, highlighting the topics you could cover and your relevance to their audience.

There are tons of expert giveaways happening these days. Find out if or how you can be one of the featured experts, and make sure you have an awesome lead magnet to offer.

Most conferences have gone virtual. No need to travel long distances and suffer from jet lag. This translates to a great opportunity for you to get in front of large audiences. Convince your prospects why they need to choose your coaching business! When people hear you speak, it establishes your credibility and a sense of familiarity, a chance for them to get to know, trust and like you. This makes it easier for you to build rapport with conference attendees after the event is over.

Talk To At Least 20 People Daily

Start telling individuals about what you do by putting social media to good use. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn, reach out to people in your network and let them know what you offer as a coaching business.

Of course, you can also email your contacts and get on the phone to do this.

Avoid sounding like a sleazy salesman by focusing on how you help. Keep in mind that the more people you talk to, the more people you can help. With this approach of giving value, be passionate and enthusiastic and ask for referrals.

This is one of the simplest and most underrated ways to promote your coaching business.

Go Where Your Ideal Clients Hang Out

Have you ever felt clueless as you try to figure out where you’ll find your ideal prospects? You’re not the only one. On the right platforms, you can become known as the go-to coach for those you want to connect with. Remember, the more conversations you’re having the more conversions you’re likely to get. Think like a detective and find your ideal coaching clients where they are already hanging out. Here are some suggestions that are sure to give you some direction:

Facebook Groups

Get active in Facebook groups, posting helpful content and commenting on others’ posts in ways that showcase your authenticity and expertise. If you want to reach out and start building relationships with members of the group, they will already have started to get to know you through your posts and comments. Facebook Groups are the best way to scale your coaching business!

Who Are Your Ideal Clients Following?

Piggyback on the fame of well-known experts. Which public figures would interest your ideal clients most? Follow these popular social media pages and keep an eye out for those who comment on the posts there. Respond to their comments to get noticed and decide when it’s time to reach out to them privately.

Email Your List Regularly

Do you have a regular schedule for connecting with the people on your email list, and do you stick to it? Some people recommend emailing your list once a day, at the same time each day, others say it’s fine to send your emails once a week on the same day at the same time. How do you know which approach is the right one for you? Test a specific strategy with your audience and see what works. That’s the best way to know how often your most tuned-in audience members want to hear from you.

If you get some unsubscribes when you use one approach, don’t worry about it. These are people who are unlikely to have purchased from you anyway. It’s better to have a smaller list of true fans than a larger list of people who are not engaged.

As long as you write your email content to make a strong connection, you’re on the right track. You can offer something entertaining or tell a story or share valuable insight. Whatever your content, make sure you include a CTA each time and monitor how your list responds. Hopefully, you’ll see them moving down your sales funnel!

Make Videos to Attract Clients

If you haven’t been maximizing the power of video, this is the time to start. Video is a great way to build a personal connection and generate awareness of what you offer in an immensely popular format. You don’t need to go all out with a lavish production. Just be yourself –authenticity sells. A short video is all you need to show potential clients how they may benefit from your coaching. Best of all, you can use your videos in a variety of ways on your website and your social media platforms, including YouTube of course. A presence on YouTube will help to boost your Google search rankings too so the video is great for improving your online presence. resonate with others. 

Video also allows you to attract those who resonate with you and repel those who don’t so it acts as an amazing qualifying mechanism that will save you time and energy with your lead generation efforts. There are so many benefits of video. What are you waiting for? Grab your computer or a phone and record!

Final Thoughts

Connecting with your target audience doesn’t have to be difficult. Use marketing strategies that have been proven to work, like being a podcast guest or speaking virtually, talk to at least 20 people every day, go where your ideal clients hang out, email your list on a regular schedule and… You’re running a coaching business, after all, and you need to keep attracting new clients to make it a viable coaching business.

These five strategies also ensure that you maintain a strong presence as a thought leader in the minds of your current clients, increasing your chances for referrals. Consistently build your profile and reach out to engage your target audience, and you’re likely to see impressive results.

Following these strategies, you can easily scale your coaching business and reach new levels of profit in no time! Good Luck.